Dragons Globe

Watch the globe carefully. You might just see a dragon fly by
The Earliest Dragons
Early accounts of dragons come from the Ancients Near East probably around 4000-5000 bc
One dragon known in the land of Sumer was described as being 50 miles in length. His head alone was a mile long. He apparently lived in the sea and could kill birds for food at a distance of 30 meters or so.
Killing pray at a distance is a common feature of dragons another common feature is that this Sumerian dragon was slain by a god. Being Slain is virtually the hallmark of dragons.
The Sumerians believed that their ancestors had created the ground they lived on by separating it from the water. According to their creation myth, the world was once watery chaos. The mother of Chaos was Tiamat, an immense dragon. When the gods appeared to bring order out of Chaos, Tiamat created an army of dragons sphinxes, scorpion-men and other demons and monsters for her army. Enlil called the winds to his aid. Tiamat came forward, her mouth wide open. Enlil pushed the winds inside her and she swelled up so that she could not move. Then Enlil split her body open. He laid half of the body flat to form the Earth, with the other half arched over it to form the sky. The gods then beheaded Tiamat's husband and created mankind from his blood, mixed with clay.

The Dragons very nature is intelligent yet fierce.
The dragon cycle of life follows the path of the four elements.
Fierce as fire, grounded like the Earth,
calm and contemplative like a still pool,
and their very presence as ethereal as a gentle breeze.
Their weakness is a fondness for beautiful gems, precious metals,
tokens of magic and the occasional poem or
spirited song of an accomplished bard.
a short excerpt from "A Child of Flame".
Check out FantasyCastleGifts.com for
Dragon posters, Jewelry, Daggers and Statue Collectibles.
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