Bringing Myths and Legends to Life...

Dragon Fire

Dragon Sky by Don Maitz


*The dragon's mysterious ability to produce bursts of flame is one of the most potent weapons in its arsenal. Dragon observers claim to have recorded emissions up to 200 meters (656 feet) long, attaining temperatures of over 1000 Degrees Celsius (1832 Degrees Fahrenheit), and many people have sought to explain how this remarkable feat is achieved.

Professor Heinz Diebtrich, of the Gotlingen Institute for Cryptozoology in Germany, has proposed that dragon ingest phosphor-laden rocks which break down in a special stomach (termed the phosphorocatabolic stomach by Professor Diebtrich), to release a volatile gas, which is flammable on contact with the air. Attempts to investigate the phenomenon - and to reproduce it in a laboratory - have proved difficult, and frequently fatal.*

*Excerpt from "A Natural History of the Unnatural World"*



By S. Kneeland

A Dragon asks unspoken questions and will not tolerate
Attempts by lesser beings to dodge or fluctuate.

Do not try to side-step, she will recognize your dance.
Do not create deception, wisely, do not take the chance.

Make your answers straightforward, unerringly sincere,
For only honesty and candor will not offend her ear.

Once she descries your motives and deems them right and just,
You'll have earned a staunch supporter and a Dragon's trust.

So if ye dare, look deeply into Dragon's whirling eyes,
But believe ye that she knows who is truthteller and who lies.


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